Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog 21

Emily Sevilla, (909) 664-3835

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing I gained with this experience was the ability to work and communicate with the patients. I learned what the patients where recovering from and that without any communication a physical therapist really can't help them get better.  

How has what you've done helped answer your EQ?
My mentorship has helped me answer my essential question because I got to see how each patient that my mentor worked with recovered over their treatment period. My mentor Emily Sevilla always explained to me what she was doing with the patient and why it is beneficial to their recovery. For instance she would go into detail of an exercise she was having the patient do and telling me how it was working specific muscle and why those muscles are needed to recover. Being able to see the patients recover over time showed me that the exercises that are put into the treatment played a great part which lead to being my best answer.   

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