Friday, February 28, 2014

Walking on Different Surfaces

This month, we had a patient from the facility I do my mentorship at,  moving into the facility next door. The facility I do my mentorship at is more of a hospital format and the facility next door is an apartment format. Usually the patients from the facility I do my mentorship at go to the facility next door when they become more independent.

We were working with a patient who was about to move into the next door facility, until she was well enough to go back home. My mentor, Emily Sevilla, decided that going next door to the other facility and doing her physical therapy would help see how the patient would be able to move around with the new surroundings. We went to the 2nd floor and watched how she would do going up and done the elevator alone without any assistance. Then we went to some rooms, where Emily had the patient open and close the door to get in and out of the room with the walker. Emily showed her different techniques she could use to make it easier on herself. The walking and opening and closing the doors also helped with the patient's balance.

Lobby of the Facility next door

One of the rooms in the facility

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blog 16: Advisory Meeting #2

How can a physical therapist best help a patient with a leg injury recover?

Answer #2:
In order for a physical therapist to help a patient recover from a leg injury is by using modalities.

3 Details to Support the Answer:
1. A patient who is having discomfort due to the injury or any recent injuries that have occurred can interfere with their physical therapy. Using modalities, helps the physical therapist work better with their patient and have them work to their full extent.
2. There are several types of modalities such as; cold packs, ultrasound,   TENS ( transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), traction, light therapy , pain pills, heat, and hydrotherapy. All helping reducing pain.
3.  The modalities either affect the muscles, a nerve, the entire body, a joint, or a specific area on the leg. Such as using a cold pack on an aching muscle helps relieve the stress and tightness of the muscle causing the pain to go away.

The Research source (s) to support your details and answer:
  • My third interview with my mentor, Emily Sevilla, at Emertius Senior Living. She brought up a good point on how making sure the patient wasn't having any discomfort helped with their treatments.
  • My mentorship with Emily Sevilla, at Emertius Senior Living. I have seen her use heat, pain pills, and cold packs to get rid of discomfort in her patients.

Concluding Sentence:
In order for a physical therapist to help a patient recover from a leg injury, they have to use modalities to decrease the discomfort felt by the patient and get their fullest participation without minimal pain.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
I will be taking an online course of human anatomy for my 30 hours. I will be taking Cornell notes for each lecture and reading, there is 12 units in total with multiple lessons each.  There also is an assessment for each unit and some within lessons and activities which I will do too. For each unit there is an estimate for how long each should take and once added up its a little over 100 hours.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I will have a link on the side of my blog with all the cornell notes I will take and pictures/screen shots of the assessments and provide the transcript of my final grade, if it is given.

3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
This class will help me better understand the human body, helping me with understanding movement and how everything works together.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

  • Literal
         (a) I, Jazmin Castro, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
         (b) My mentor, Emily Sevilla, helped me complete my independent component by allowing me to volunteer with her for another additional 30 hours.
         (d) My independent component was simply to do an additional 30 hours of mentorship with my mentor, Emily Sevilla. Through my independent component I learned a lot about the muscles that make up the leg and the different types of exercises that help strengthen those muscles. I also was able to give a patient her entire treatment and saw the progress the patients have made over time.

  • Interpretive
This is where I go every Tuesday and Thursday after I finish, to wait for my parents to pick me up.

This is the gym inside of Emeritus, where I spent most of my time working with the patients and cleaning.

These are steps they have inside the gym to have patients practice walking up and down the stairs.

This is a stepper, which helps patients with leg motion when they can not stand on their own.
These are the parallel bars which assist the patient when walking because they have support from the bars.
  • Applied
          This component really helped understand the foundation of physical therapy by being around the work area and being able to see how patients do progress over time. My mentor, Emily Sevilla, gave me a lot of great information on muscle development and what the muscles intent is, for example the tibialis anterior which is a muscle located on the side of the shin, that assist on lifting your toes off the ground and being able to walk properly.With all the different explanations of muscle function my mentor has told me and explained to me has helped me a lot on my research checks because I have been doing research on the different things she has talked to me about.