Friday, February 28, 2014

Walking on Different Surfaces

This month, we had a patient from the facility I do my mentorship at,  moving into the facility next door. The facility I do my mentorship at is more of a hospital format and the facility next door is an apartment format. Usually the patients from the facility I do my mentorship at go to the facility next door when they become more independent.

We were working with a patient who was about to move into the next door facility, until she was well enough to go back home. My mentor, Emily Sevilla, decided that going next door to the other facility and doing her physical therapy would help see how the patient would be able to move around with the new surroundings. We went to the 2nd floor and watched how she would do going up and done the elevator alone without any assistance. Then we went to some rooms, where Emily had the patient open and close the door to get in and out of the room with the walker. Emily showed her different techniques she could use to make it easier on herself. The walking and opening and closing the doors also helped with the patient's balance.

Lobby of the Facility next door

One of the rooms in the facility

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