Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

  1. How do you know if a patient is working to their fullest?
  2. How do assessments help with the improvement in patients?
  3. What are physical therapy modalities?
  4. Which modality is best in your opinion and why?
  5. How do you educate a patient on safety precautions?
  6. How do safety precautions vary among patients? 
  7. How can you get the most out of a patients participation?
  8. Is there reasons why a modality couldn't be used on a patient?
  9. Why are modalities used?
  10. Does exercising until muscle fatigue help in strengthening? Why or why not?
  11. How does using modalities help?
  12. What can be done to see the best improvement in a patient?
  13. Is there a quicker way to recover?
  14. Can a modality make things worse?
  15. What are different types of safety precautions a patient has to be aware of?
  16. What is the most common modality used?
  17. What is the effect of each modality?
  18. Do patients benefit more by doing exercises sitting down or laying down?
  19. How can a patient best benefit from an exercise?
  20. Is there more benefit by doing big sets of exercise or small sets and many repetitions?

1 comment:

    How do you know if a patient is working to their fullest?
    How do assessments help with the improvement in patients?
    What are physical therapy modalities?
    Which modality is best in your opinion and why?
    How do you educate a patient on safety precautions?
    How do safety precautions vary among patients?
    How can you get the most out of a patients participation?
    Is there reasons why a modality couldn't be used on a patient?
    Why are modalities used?
    Does exercising until muscle fatigue help in strengthening? Why or why not?
    How does using modalities help?
    What can be done to see the best improvement in a patient?
    Is there a quicker way to recover?
    Can a modality make things worse?
    What are different types of safety precautions a patient has to be aware of?
    What is the most common modality used?
    What is the effect of each modality?
    Do patients benefit more by doing exercises sitting down or laying down?
    How can a patient best benefit from an exercise?
    Is there more benefit by doing big sets of exercise or small sets and many repetitions?
